Rice is the most common food crop throughout the world, and is considered an integral part of various cultures. The grain is directly associated with prosperity and is integrated into local folklore, legends and religious beliefs. A bowl of rice is considered as a symbol of well-being, fulfilment and being content. Apart from being deeply ingrained in the culture, rice holds the spot as one of the most valuable sources of nutrition in our daily lives.

”Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life” - Confucius
The Versatile Rice Grain
Rice has been used as food for thousands of years and its cultivation has spread around the world. It is an integral part of every diet, even in countries like Great Britain which do not grow rice but consume up to 10 kg per person annually. Rice is one of the most versatile foods appearing in many forms from a fulfilling accompaniment to a dish or the main part of a dish such as Fried Rice, Risotto, Paella, Biryani and Rice Pudding. It is also found in ready-to-eat meals or microwaveable quick-cooking packs. Rice is also used to make noodles or snacks like crackers as well as breakfast cereals. Rice flour is used as a thickener for sauces as well as a base for making gluten-free products.

How Rice is Grown
The rice grain is the seed of a semi-aquatic grass. Although it has more than 8000 different varieties, they all require the same condition to grow – lots of water! Just one seed of rice can grow into over 3000 grains, and it takes 1260 Liters of water to grow 500g of rice. Rice is a short-living plant which grows fast with ease but requires a lot of attention grown in fields known as Rice Paddies. The paddy fields are unique from other farms by how they are efficiently flooded and effortlessly drained. The rice plant requires immense quantities of water in its early days, followed by a long and uninterrupted season of hot dry weather. For this reason, farmers must find ways both to flood the fields and drain the water from them at crucial periods. Hence rice is always grown on flat fields. Either by a making flat surfaces, by cutting out the paddy in the mountain sides or by growing directly in flat fields.

Rice is a healthy and hearty meal
As far as nutrition goes, Rice is a complex carbohydrate which provides a high energy value and slow energy release. Athletes often opt for rice as a preferred source of energy, especially when refuelling after exercise as it provides a source of quick, easily accessible carbohydrates. It is one of the most fulfilling or satiating foods. On cooking, rice absorbs moisture and swells up to about 3 times its original weight. It also contains essential proteins which are used for the growth and repair of the body. Health experts and nutritionists recommend cutting down on fat and including more fruits and vegetables along with starchy fibre-filled rice.

The rice grain is enriched with several vitamins and minerals that aid the blood in transporting oxygen as well as help in various vital functions. Having very little fat, no cholesterol, no sodium and being rich in fibre, significantly reduces the risk of heart disease or stroke. Since fibre makes you feel satiated, rice helps to maintain body weight.
Rice is also one of the most easily digestible foods making it a good choice for the first solid foods for infants. Rice is suitable for all from the young to the elderly. Being naturally gluten-free, rice is a valuable option for those with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity. The insoluble fibre in rice promotes regular and healthy bowel movements thus improving digestive health.

A Warm Bowl of Rice
Rice has an incredible quality for bringing people together to have a warm meal. The Great Wall of China is even held together with a paste made out of sticky rice. Rice is a food that is easy on the budget and easy to cook and forms the ideal base for a satisfying and nutritious meal for everyone. The most valuable lesson to learn before living alone is how to make rice and if it is difficult for you, the greatest investment you could make is a lovely rice cooker. At the end of the day, the fuel that runs humanity towards great heights is a humble bowl of warm rice.