Baked Potatoes with a creamy shrimp filling is a hearty dish that is easy to make. The filing only takes a couple of minutes to make and the potatoes bake in the oven for about one hour. Great to pop in the oven and relax for an hour or for you to get ready before your guests arrive.

A refreshing creamy filling with sour crème Fraiche and the herbal flavour of dill and chives combined with fluffy warm potatoes and crispy skins are a true delight and loved by adults as well as most children. You don't need to buy special baking potatoes, although they are quite large and have great taste and an extra soft middle. Any large potato is good for baking, but the fluffiness of the potato's flesh can vary quite a bit. The potatoes can also be baked in a microwave oven, for 15-25 minutes, but then you miss out on the brown, crispy skin.
You need:
4 large potatoes, about 350-450 grams each
300 grams of peeled, boiled shrimp
200 ml of creme fraiche
1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
150 grams of canned white asparagus
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
50 ml of finely chopped dill
50 ml of finely chopped chives
½ a small red onion
2 large boiled eggs
4 dollops of butter
Barbeque spice
Salt and white pepper after taste
How you make it:
Preheat the oven to 225 degrees Celsius.
Wash the potatoes and poke them a couple of times with a fork or skewer. Add some salt to the potatoes to make them extra crispy and delicious when baked.
Put the potatoes on the oven rack and bake in the middle of the oven until soft. About 50-70 minutes depending on their size.
Hardboil 2 large eggs, peel and slice them and set them aside for the topping.
If needed, boil, deshell and clean the shrimps. Remove the black vein that runs along the back of the shrimp.
Finley chop red onion, dill and chives.
Cut the shrimps into bitesise pieces. Add the herbs, onion and shrimp to a blow.
Add the creme fraiche, mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and black pepper to the bowl and stir until well combined.
When the potatoes are soft, and the skin has turned dark brown, take them out and white a knife, cut a cross in the middle of the potatoes and press down on the sides to open up the potatoes.
Scoop out some of the insides of the potatoes to make room for the filling.
Add a dollop of butter to the potatoes and sprinkle in some barbeque spice.
Add the shrimp filling to the potatoes and top with the asparagus and slices of egg.
Serve piping hot with a cool beverage.